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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sunflowers bring hope in Japan

This story made me smile - sunflowers are being grown and distributed by local buddist monks to absorb the radiation at Fukushima. 

Many years ago I visited Rome in August and as we drove to the city many fields were full of sunflowers in full bloom. It's a sight I've never forgotten - to see these very tall plants with their huge yellow heads all turned to the sun was so uplifting and the color was just amazing. 

The sight of such a mass planting in Japan will not only be stunning and helpful to the people and environment, but I find it touching that in the face of such tragedy, beauty and hope still exists.

Thanks to the GoodNews Network and Reuters for sharing this story

Friday, September 2, 2011


Major success this week, I finally secured a proper Facebook URL to replace the daft long one that I had previously. 

I'm a little technologically challenged so it's taken me most of the week on and off to try to work out why I could not get the username before.  For some reason it was not available which I couldn't understand because I trademarked the name! 

After many cups of tea and some serious thought I did a search with it and guess who was using it?  Me!  It turned out I had some how connected it to the Profile page (still don't know how but I'm sure it was very clever :)).  After some intense pfaffing around, I discovered I could appeal to Facebook for trademark infringement.  I'm sure they thought I was a twit, but nevertheless I gathered all the necessary information and appealed to them to help me ... 24 hours later I became the proud owner of this URL

Facebook still makes me squirm a bit because I don't want to be a nuisance, but whilst I get over myself, I have been posting something each day to all the lovely people who 'like' my shop Page and feel I am one step nearer to using social media to help get the word out about what I'm doing and, more importantly, why I'm doing it.

Maybe next week I'll tackle Twitter?