Today was a very exciting day - I couldn't wait to get started on the redesign of my Etsy shop so that it truly expressed what I am trying to achieve. I want my shop to be a destination for eco-friendly, fair trade ethical bags, purses and cards so I decided to have a massive clearance sale to (hopefully!) sell off everything that does not fit with that intention.
I've been designing and creating the items in my shop full time for a year now, and have, thus far donated $485 to charity. A great start, but I intend to donate a lot more over the coming years and this spring cleaning spree not only creates a cohesive statement about who I am and what I'm passionate about, but it means that every purchase does good for our wonderful planet, those that benefit through the donation of my net profits, and puts a smile on the face of someone whose found something they love!
So, dear blog, whilst I am writing this only to myself just now, I'm glad to have this written reminder of the day I finally had clarity on what it is I've been working so hard to achieve:)