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Friday, September 2, 2011


Major success this week, I finally secured a proper Facebook URL to replace the daft long one that I had previously. 

I'm a little technologically challenged so it's taken me most of the week on and off to try to work out why I could not get the username before.  For some reason it was not available which I couldn't understand because I trademarked the name! 

After many cups of tea and some serious thought I did a search with it and guess who was using it?  Me!  It turned out I had some how connected it to the Profile page (still don't know how but I'm sure it was very clever :)).  After some intense pfaffing around, I discovered I could appeal to Facebook for trademark infringement.  I'm sure they thought I was a twit, but nevertheless I gathered all the necessary information and appealed to them to help me ... 24 hours later I became the proud owner of this URL

Facebook still makes me squirm a bit because I don't want to be a nuisance, but whilst I get over myself, I have been posting something each day to all the lovely people who 'like' my shop Page and feel I am one step nearer to using social media to help get the word out about what I'm doing and, more importantly, why I'm doing it.

Maybe next week I'll tackle Twitter?