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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rice Pilaf with Caramelized Onions ...

I found the most amazing recipe. It's pretty to look at, tastes delicious and everyone whose tried it wants the recipe. It's also vegan, but you'd never even think about that when you're eating it because it's so good!

The recipe is in the book written by Alicia Silverstone called 'The Kind Diet'. If you're on a budget, you can borrow it from the library to try it out.

I add a little turmeric to the rice which I think makes a big difference to the appearance, and it also has legendary anti-inflammatory properties apparently, which is an added benefit for me because of the Fibromyalgia.

I like to experiment with puting turmeric in my cooking, but be forewarned, it doesn't work in oatmeal: it looks pretty, but takes like you're eating earth!

Alicia has a great website, with lots of recipes to choose from (sadly not the pilaf though). The whole site has a positive feel to it and it's always interesting to read